Chapter Nine – Give Life
Jesus said – “I came so that they would have life (Zoë).” Or “I came so that they would bring life to others (Zoë).
We have established that our lives are not our own, once we are returned to life we must work to bring life to others. There is too much death going on in the world to remain silent. By doing nothing we are actually not living, and I’m not just saying that. Life in its organic form, Zoë, means to live and it means to bring life to others. If we are not bringing life to others then we are not living, and if we are not living, well quite frankly, then we are dead. Therefore by doing nothing we are not living. Once we die to our sinful selves we are not alive until we bring life to others.
Remember when I said the meaning of life is to live. Well, if living means to bring life to others and we are not doing that, then our lives have no meaning. Life is anti-death, and so we to should be anti-death.
In this last chapter, I’m going to briefly outline some of the genocides in our day. Fire off some stats and facts and it is my prayer that you are convicted to go out and live.
Abortion has killed off half my generation. Every year 46 million babies are killed. Everyday 174,000 babies are killed in the womb. That’s the population of my hometown Richmond BC, or the entire population of the central Okanogan. So how do we live? How do we bring life to these 46 million people? My friend Hannah plans to chain herself to the doors of an abortion clinic on her sixteenth birthday. If you like the extreme route, that’s one way we can bring life to unborn babies, by physically blocking the entrance of an abortion facility, if the doors are obstructed no one can enter, and if no one can enter then no on can die. When I was in The War College ( we spent our Friday afternoons peacefully (depending on your definition of peacefully) protesting. We would stand on street corners holding signs with large photographs of aborted children. Those posters looked somewhat like this:

I struggled a lot with this at first, as I don’t really like to offend people, but hey, if offending someone means that a baby will live it is totally worth it. I had to remind myself that I too could have been a victim of this genocide, and oh what a shame that would be, for then you wouldn’t be privileged with this book =p. Stacey Campbell likes to preach on this; she says every time there is a revolution there is a genocide that goes on. In the day of Moses, Pharaoh called for the death of all Hebrew baby boys, in the day of Jesus, as we read about earlier, King Herod called for the same thing. In the day of this generation, the Prince of the world is doing the same; he is killing off this generation in his sneaky and manipulative ways. History tells us that this generation is going to be a revolution. Do your part and fight for the lives of unborn babies. A simple way could be to not monetarily support Amnesty International. I think Amnesty does to a lot of good in the name of justice, especially when it comes to war crimes; however some of the money they receive fund abortions all over the world in the name of woman’s rights. Be a part of the revolution.
As I write a song by one of my favourite artists, Damien Rice, came on my media player, Cold Water. It is a song written from the point of view of an aborted fetus. Writing out the lyrics does not do the song justice. I encourage you to download it or buy his CD and listen to it. Not too long ago I was leading a brigade in Victoria mobilizing a group of teenagers into mission. It was during this time I experienced my first ultrasound. This was possibly one of the most amazing things I have ever witnessed. One of the young girls I was discipling got pregnant and as a new covert she was struggling between getting an abortion or not. When she was about seven weeks or so into her pregnancy she asked me to go along with her to her ultrasound and seeing life on the screen was breath taking. Hearing the heart beating was even better. I committed to myself that day that I would fight for this baby. Alas my prayers and my encouragement did not come to fullness. When she called me and told me that she did in fact get an abortion I was grieved, more then I thought I would be, even though during my prayers the Lord revealed this would be the inevitable. A few days after this as I was doing my rations the above mentioned song came on my iPod. Grieved all over again I decided I could not in good conscience do nothing, because I had committed to fight for this child. I interrupted my rations, or mobilised them if you will, hopped on a city bus traveled up Yates turned left on Quadra and walked into the Victoria Police Headquarters the entire time weeping and listening to Damien Rice’s song “Cold Water” on repeat. I was reporting a murder. This act was worldly unfruitful, but spiritually gave a voice to this child. I have decided from now on, anytime a child I know is killed in the womb I will report a murder.
And then there is more stuff to come its just my head and not written out yet. I have some other genocide's written out, but those will come in a future blog. Now my shift is almost over and I gotta pack up and clean a bit. So chew on that for a bit - and I'll refine the next section later.