29 March 2007

Currently Reading "Out of the Silent Planet" by CS Lewis

So, Im in Florida!
By the way, for those I didnt tell, Im in Florida!

I love it.

Its hotter outside then it is inside....a forgien concept I must say. Last night we were at a store, and it was like 8pm or something...I was wearing a T Shirt and as we were about to open the door I was thinking in my head how cold it was going to be and how I wish I was wearing a sweater, I must have forgotten I was in Florida becuase when we went outside it was still hot!

Where I live, squirrels come into your backyard here you get lizzards! No joke..its actually quite commen, and very funny.

My friend has an orange tree in her backyard!

Ill post some pics when I get back home.

But I must go now and pack, becuase in an hour we are going to Orlando...I LOVE FLORIDA.

Oh, but can you guys pray for me...Im getting sick...and i REALLY dont want to be sick while in Florida.

God is here.

25 March 2007

Currently Reading: Out of the Silent Planet by CS Lewis.

Im not enjoying the above book much. Its part one of a trilogy and I don't think Im going to continue on with it. I hear people love on Mr. Lewis much, but Im not finding the hype in it. Oh well I gave it a shot.

Any suggestions for my next read???

In other news...(wow, never thought I would say it)

Im enrolling as a solider in a couple weeks. Please pray for me - Im beginning to freak out a bit. But the timings there...and I know it - that's probably the freakiest part.

You see, Im called to a redeeming life...aren't we all? A few years back I was praying, asking the Lord what my 'destiny' so to speak was. His response was redemption. Im to take the things the enemy has perverted in my family, in my generation, in my country and redeem them back to His name - pretty big eh? Well I'll start small - with myself. (Dream Big, Start Small, Go Deep - i think I read that somewhere ;) Check out Proverbial Leadership at armybarmy.com)

I was originally enrolled as a solider Resurrection day 2003...messed that up shortly after. Prophetically renounced that covenant (although looking back perhaps not so prophetic) Resurrection day 2005. I am called to redeem, or should I say, I am called to let Christ redeem my covenant with Him and with The Salvation Army this Resurrection season 2007. (after all, isn't Easter all about redemption anyways =P).

Please pray for me. As the time approaches, the temptations rise as well.


God is here.

23 March 2007

Currently Reading "Out of the Silent Planet" by CS Lewis.

This week I got to watch my friend commence rehab. It was one of the most amazing things I have ever been to. This friend of mine gives me so much hope. My first memory of her involves cop cars and broken windows. She was a very angry, and with her life I don't blame her at all, and very hard girl. I got to witness her accept Christ and change her life, one of these changes included her entering a rehab program. This person I got to tearfully watch as she commenced this past Tuesday is like night and day. She started smoking Crystal Meth at 11, was homeless and living on the streets at 12 and entered youth rehab this past January with addictions history of alcohol, meth and the popular new drug "B" she left rehab 3 days ago completely free from her former addictions. I got to hear stories about how her last two weeks in rehab involved her dancing and singing around the house - that alone made me cry. But the most beautiful part of this was hearing her testimony as she credited her change to Jesus. The rehab home she was in was not faith based, but that didn't stop her from reading her Bible, telling everyone she has dreams of being a missionary in Africa and from evangelising to her crew mates and staff. What a girl. She gives me so much hope - if she can meet Jesus and get clean, then others I currently work with can also. He takes those who are deeper then deep and raises them up to a place of joy and honor. I think I am going to start to trust Yahweh with my other friends too.

God is here.

14 March 2007

Currently Reading: "Out of the Silent Planet" by C.S. Lewis

So today I head that my friends had a miscaraige this weekend.
Today I read an email that other friends of mine are pregnant.

Yesterday I was in a hospital where babies were being born.
Yesterday I was in a hospital where babies were being aborted.

On the weekend my friend was in hospital under suicide watch.
On the weekend my friend called to say she was clean and free from drugs.


Choose Life.

Death. Where is your sting?

There is no death in Christ the Lord.

God is here.

10 March 2007

0530 Saturday morning.
Why am I awake?
Good question, you could have asked me the same question an hour ago...and an hour before that and an hour before that and an hour before that...basically Ive been up for a long time.

Im sitting here right now behind a plexiglass window. And since I must be up until my shift at the Downtown Sally is over, and my union prevents me from cleaning (becuase then I would be taking work away from a paid janitorial employee), why not blog.

I really have nothing to blog about tonight. Nothing overly exciting has happened. Ive been to jail and to the hospital this week.

I won my gazillionth game of settlers - cities and knights version - tonight.

I can drive standard.

I have talked to about 6 different police officers in the past 6 hours.

My friend who was ODing few blogs ago is checked back into the Sally and is safetly 2 floors above me.

The Lord has done great things for us.

The Lord is doing great thing in our midst.

Can you tell Im over tired and not thinking straight.

Im going to the hospital again tomorow.

Myspace is shut down for repairs right now so I cant utilise this time to update some sites and make em better and add more friends.

Life is good.

I need to start getting more of a life - what ever happened to the Theres always an adventure with Nicole days. Its because I have no friends...if you are reading this you should move to Victoria and be my friend and do some crazy hard core extreme love stuff and watch lives be transformed.

I burnt my tounge on tea tonight.

Yup Im tired.

I wont make you read my ramblings any further.

Seriously, you should join me in the fight...victoria style.

God is here.

0530 Saturday morning.
Why am I awake?
Good question, you could have asked me the same question an hour ago...and an hour before that and an hour before that and an hour before that...basically Ive been up for a long time.

Im sitting here right now behind a plexiglass window. And since I must be up until my shift at the Downtown Sally is over, and my union prevents me from cleaning (becuase then I would be taking work away from a paid janitorial employee), why not blog.

I really have nothing to blog about tonight. Nothing overly exciting has happened. Ive been to jail and to the hospital this week.

I won my gazillionth game of settlers - cities and knights version - tonight.

I can drive standard.

I have talked to about 6 different police officers in the past 6 hours.

My friend who was ODing few blogs ago is checked back into the Sally and is safetly 2 floors above me.

The Lord has done great things for us.

The Lord is doing great thing in our midst.

Can you tell Im over tired and not thinking straight.

Im going to the hospital again tomorow.

Myspace is shut down for repairs right now so I cant utilise this time to update some sites and make em better and add more friends.

Life is good.

I need to start getting more of a life - what ever happened to the Theres always an adventure with Nicole days. Its because I have no friends...if you are reading this you should move to Victoria and be my friend and do some crazy hard core extreme love stuff and watch lives be transformed.

I burnt my tounge on tea tonight.

Yup Im tired.

I wont make you read my ramblings any further.

Seriously, you should join me in the fight...victoria style.

God is here.

06 March 2007

Currently reading: "Revolution" by Aaron White and Stephen Court
"Leadership Secrets of the Salvation Army" by Robert A. Watson and Ben Brown

Are you coming?
Did you know that there was this science experiment done. One test had three rats swimming in the dark - they lasted three minutes before they stopped swimming and drowned. The other test had three rats swimming with a glimpse of light and they swam for 36 hours.
Hope keeps us going
Today a good friend of mine was admitted into hospital for suicide watch.
Today I heard about my friends niece being healed of meningitis, a girl who was in addiction to crystal meth, saved and delivered, another friend of mine receiving freedom from addiction and a whole whack of other answered prayer.
The same God who brought healing, salvation and deliverance to the above is the same God who will give life to my friend in hospital.
Have hope.
God is here.