30 December 2004

Fear of who....

Who do you fear?

Scenario #1 Lets say you are a secretary and you are at work. Your boss isnt around so you think it would be okay to check your email quickly rather then write up your weekly report. But wait! He forgot something in the office, and he comes back in...the question to you is, are you more freaked out becuase your boss might catch your email on the screen or becasue of the punishment that awaits you from the LORD God Almighty?

Scenario #2 You go to the mall with a good Christain friend...lets call him Bob. You dont have any money, but there is a watch which caught your eye. Now you dont want to look bad infront of Bob, so you dont steel it. Oh but Bob left his wallet at the last store and goes to retreve it, leaving you in a position of being alone, and since Bob isnt there to provide judgement you go ahead and take the watch with a five finger discount, to look up and see Bob holding his wallet which was in his pocket the whole time...the question to you is, do you fear Bobs judgement over the judgement that awaits you from the LORD God Almighty?

Scenario #3 You are in habitual sin (ouch, step one, if you are, humble yourself and ask elders of the church for help) hmm, which one should we pick...lets go with sexual imortality. You and Shelley have been together for months. Obviously deeply in love, and are even talking about marraige. You've let the enemy grab a hold of this situation and you are sleeping together. Around other people you are a holy couple, but behind closed doors you are in habitual sexual sin. One day you lend your brother a pair of jeans, and to his surprise he finds a condom wrapper in the pocket. As an obedient servent of Christ, he aproaches you with love and asks you about it. The question to you is...are you shakeing and sweating becuase your brother knows or becuase the LORD God Almighty knows?

The question to you is...do you fear man more then you fear God?

26 December 2004

Too Powerful for a Title

Hebrews 10:26

"Dear Friends, if we deliberately continue sinning after we have received a full knowledge of the truth, there is no other sacrifice that will cover these sins"

"There will be nothing to look forward to but the terrible expectation of God's judgment and the raging fire that will consume his enemies. Anyone who refused to obey the law of Moses was put to death without mercy"

There will be NO mercy if we deliberately continue sinning.

Hebrews 10:29

"Think how much more terrible the punishment will be for those who have trampled on the Son of God and have treated the blood of the covenant as if it were common and unholy. Such people have insulted and enraged the Holy Spirit who brings Gods mercy to his people.

This ties in with my rejection entry, especially the part that says "who have treated the blood covenant as if it were common and unholy" May I be the first to repent and confess that I have treated Christs grace as common, and now that the sobering truth of no mercy has new meaning to me I will revere the King more then ever.

That my friends is the Living Word, the truth. Now that you have received this full knowledge, be aware that there is no mercy for those who continue in deliberate sin.

21 December 2004


So my eyebrow ring is rejecting again. Which isnt as gross as it sounds, it just means my body doesnt like the forgein object and natural biology is pushing it outwards. And its almost like I dont care, becuase I know its free to get it redone. However, there is still hassle in going to the peircer, getting a needle shoved through my face again, and enduring another 8 weeks of special care and healing. And I began thinking that this is the same attitude I sometimes have with sin. God will tell me to do something, or not to do something and sometimes I dont obey becuase I know I have free grace as a daughter of the king. Which in essence is the truth becuase there are no limits on Christs grace. But to recieve that free grace I first must go through the process of repentance (asking for forgivness and turning from sin) which if Im going to compare this with my eyebrow then its a hassle. The harsh reality of it all is that by not doing something the LORD tells me to do, or doing something He tells me not to do, I am simply rejecting Him. And my relationship with God would be a whole lot deeper if I would stop rejecting Him and just obey. Just like my pericing would be a whole lot deeper if it didnt reject. Please add your thoughts to this or some scripture to convict me further.

19 December 2004

It's Easy

So I was crossing the border today comeing back from Seattle and there was absoulutley no hassle. I mean I could have been an illegal immegrant with a truck load of cocaine entering Canada and smuggling extra people through. The person at the border didnt even take a look at our ID. She said "are you Canadian" we said "yes" then she sent us through, no ID, no searches, no nothing. I was floored by how easy it is to cross the border. Then as we were driving further, God spoke through that. He was like thats how it is to enter the Kingdom of God. He askes "Do you beleive" and we say "yes" then He sends us through, no ID, no searches, no nothing.

But...there is more involved, sure its easy to get into the Kingdom of Heaven, but how easy is it to stay. If we were illegal immegrants and brought over illegal drugs, we would have been caught and be deported and imprisioned, therefore we need to surrender all to God, repent and believe, and then by maintaining a Holy life we are gaurenteed security of living eternally with our Creator.

17 December 2004

Two Simple Truths

1) Stop Sinning- John 5:14

2) Be Holy- Leviticus 11:44

May the Holy Spirit convict you of all unrighteouness.

04 December 2004

Intamacy and Unity

Intamacy is clearly personal, and unity is cleary corporate...can they work together?

Intamcy with God is a nessesity for unity of the body.

Take for example Police and their motorcycles. There are four cops on four motorcycles. They have the same desination, they same method of getting there, the same uniform, the same boss, infact they have the same make and model of motorcylcles aswell. Yet they are on their own individual motorcycle. If you take away their personal motorcycle, you take away their intamacy, by taking away their intamacy you take away their ability to work together as a corrporate body.

Another word picture is shooting stars. One shooting star is amazing in itself, but a meteor shower is even more amazing...but you cant have a unified shower without each intamate star.

There must be intamacy with God before there is unity in the body.

Me? Blog? Whodathunkit?

I would have been the last person to think I would blog...but here I am...blogging, whodathunkit? Infact I have caught myself many times verbally refusing to blog, not becuase I dont like it, but becuase I am never on the internet, and when I am it is for like 5 minutes to check my email. It is also difficult for me to put my thoughts into words, and even more difficult to put my thoughts into writing, but here I am writing my thoughts. Enjoy it!