05 October 2006

I should cook more often, aparently Im not that bad of a cook. Today I had some chicken I had to cook up, but there was too much. Ahh, the beauty of community, I called up a couple friends and had them come over and help me eat. I made Chicken fried rice...my mommy taught me how to make that - Thanks mom, it was a hit.

One of the girls that came over was drunk and hurting. The Lord said love. I prepared her this meal, she LOVED it. Then my other friend had to go to work, and I had the blessing of getting some quality time (my love language, just for the record) with my new friend. I got to learn alot about her, and aside from the fact she was intoxicated, had a lovely time.

Yahweh has been teaching me these days about love. An extravagant love. A saccrificial love. A love that doesnt fail.

Some people I know how to love well. Well being defined as extravagant and saccrificial.

Others I dont.

So I had to ask the Lord some questions...

How can I love ________ extravagantly?
Filling in the blank with names of people.

I encourage you to ask the Lord today how to love the person who is hard to love.
Also ask..."How does Jesus love me extravagantly"

Im currently reading a chronological bible. Its a totally different read this way. I just finished Esther (which chronologically comes just before Malachi) and a few things stuck out at me. "If I perish I persish" Esther said this to her father figure Mordicai. She was willing to give up her life, in an attempt to save his. Now thats saccficial love. Kinda like Jesus, dying for us eh.
A couple days ago I was in Zachariah (which chronologically comes before Esther - or around the same time anyways) and 14:20 stuck out. Things were inscribed - HOLY TO THE LORD. Ive heard of early Salvationists who would write Holiness utno the Lord, on to everything they owned. Books, clothes, furniture etc. Im thinking about doing the same - declaring that these things first of all arnt mine, but more importanly declaring that I will own nothing that is defiling, for it is Holy to the Lord. Oh, maybe this will be tatoo number 3.

God is here.