I read this sweet article "Renew it in our Day - The Forgotten Westcoast Revival of 1923" by known prophit Sara Maynard the other day. It wa fairly long but I will pull out some juicy tidbits.
"Most Christians in this region believe that Vancouver and Victoria are historically untouced by revival....
Most beleive that this is not only hard ground but its never been won...
The Victoria Ministerial Association had heard of the stirrings of revival in Oregon [of british evangelist Charles Price] Price had lined up the sick and laid hands on them annointing them with oil. Scores were slain in the Spirit...a woman was dramatically healed and without invitaion scored flocked to the alter for salvation. Price was being compared to the powerful revival ministry of Charles Finny.
...the Victoria Ministerial Association to invite Price to conduct a 3 week crusade. Victoria was not disapointed for these 3 weeks were to go into the history books of the kingdom.
The meetings were soon moved to Willow arena...and still it was found too small as up to 9000 jammed into hear the revivalist preach and as manny as 4000 additional seekers were turned away.
Hundreds even up to 1000 at a time were being powerfully converted every night...these numbers in todays standards are large, in 1923 they were unprecenetd for Victorias population base of 55000.
Healings were frequent and dramatic. What added to the stir was the detalied reporting in daily newspapers of those who were bing healed, blind seeing and the crippled walking, even those suffering from terminal conditions were being touched and healed by the power of God.
...as her curved spine and deformed foot straightened and strenghthans so taht she was able to walk and run as if nothing had ever been wrong.
Durin the campaing the Vancovuer Ministeral became keenly intereseted
[Price} wished it understood that his campaing was an evangelistic one and not a healing mission, that the organic changes that took place in the sick were of assistance in bringing salvation to many.
...who had been carried in on a stretcher, groaning in anguish. After the alter call Price prayed for her...there was a joycul screawm from the bed {she} arose...she felt no pain and was cured.
The hour and a half wait before the meeting opened was occupied with prayer adn hymn selections rendered by the Salvation Army band (had to throw that one in there lol)
Healings and Salvations were continuing to multiply in Victoria.
The crusades in bothe Vancouver and Victoria impacted hundreds of young people who yeiled themselves to the spirit and commited there future to serve the King.
Spontaneous healings becang to break out in the city.
...grouping the sick in 20's and praying for them en mass to cope with the overwhleming demand.
[Price went to jail} The charge was practicing medicine without a licnece.
Now those are some sweet wells to redig in this city - who wants to redig em with me....
God is here.
3 years ago
I miss you tons also. And if God told me to move to Victoria right now then i would go!
Hopefully that will be soon!
Love ya!
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