Hey All,
So I totally crashed my computer at work. Word of advice, dont open links off of msn...there may be a massive virus in it that takes EVERYTHING away....my apologies to those who I might have passed this along to. When I told my boss she said "Its okay, we were getting a new computer next week anyways" - Have I ever told you I love my job!!!
So as a result my computer access (and thus blogging) will be limited untill the new computer arrives.
But while Im here...I had the blessing of seeing masses get saved last night.
I was at this conferance out here in Victoria. Salvador, Joy Williams and Tree63 were the music, and Billy Ghrams grandson did the preaching. Not the best speaking if I say so myself, but regardless of my opinion when the salvation pitch was made hundrends (maybe upto a thousand) kids responded - including one of ours!!! Woohoo!!!
I would like to use this time to recruite....Victoria is beautiful, and the youth in the corps and community are getting saved and/or sanctified quickly - we would love your help...for real...pray about it, and talk to me.
So back to last night. It was a blast. The power in the room after hundreds chose to follow Jesus was awesome. I also got to see again how real and how alive Jesus is. This girl who came with us, who got saved, prior to the responce was just sitting there while the bands were playing, not really doing too much, she gets saved, and then the last band gets up and she begins to worship. Hands up, voice raised, tears flowing, she was clearly changed and clearly worshiping a real and living God.
So seriously, wanna move out here and disciple this generation with us....you know you wanna!
God is here.
3 years ago
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