28 October 2006

Happy Birthday to Jonathan Evans and Sara Steer!

I must admit I have some terrific friends! You guys are great (all of you, not just the two mentioned above!).

I love this person...yet I dont know why, I dont even think I want to love this person, but I cant help it. Infact Ive been used, lied to and ignored, yet I still find myself in love. There is nothing this person can do to make me love them less, to make me love them more either, I love them and nothing will be able to change that.

Its kinda the same with God. He loves us, I dont know why, He just does. We lie to him, we ignore him, we are a faithless people to him, yet he is still in love with us. And we cant do anything to change that love. We cant make him love us less and we cant make him love us more.

Love sure is powerful.

If there was a prize for love, children would win it hands down. I was having a rough day, and I had to pick up some warriors, (ages 4-10). These kids blessed me in ways they dont even know. I arrived to happy, smiling, excited kids. I was embraced by a 6 year old, asked to play cards with a 4 year old at the same time as a 7 year old telling me she "couldnt wait to see me". The worries and cares from the day seemed to melt away as these young revoltionists did what they know best - loved me.

Two days later I was on the phone and was crying. Ok, lets face it, I was bawling my eyes out and there were six kids over at my house playing and having fun. In there compassion they stopped what they were doing to comfort and pray for me. I had one wipe the tears off my cheeks, another ask Jesus to stop my pain, another in his concern question why I was so sad, another just sit on my lap and rest her head on my sholder, another sitting to my right strocking my hand and the sixth getting angry at whoever hurt me. This all only made me cry harder!



There seems to be a return of those bloggers from hibernation.

Linsey New
Ashley Milburn
Tasha Chooi
Jonathan Berkshire

check em out to the right.

God is here.