I was talking to my old youth pastor over the weekend and somehow the topic of marraige came up. He said "I wonder what type of guy you will marry" he then went on to say that it would either be a exteme on fire christian, or someone not saved at all. I told him why would he even think that I would allow myself to be unequally yoked...and he said becuase he cant see me settling for someing mediocar, something lukewarm, something in the middle..it will be one or the other. Nice.
There is nothing more satisfying then hearing a command from the Lord, immeadietly obeying it - not thinking twice, and even if it seems unrealistic and crazy doing it anyways. And then watching what comes out of it. This weekend I heard that command and I immeadietly obeyed. Part of this obedience included a saccfice of my time and the possibility of a sacrifice of favor and approval, and a two hour drive, but i really didnt care. And on this drive I was just so full of excitement and joy to bless a friend that it cancelled out all fear.
There is nothing more discouraging then investing time, money, prayer, yourself into someone and having it all thrown back at you. Exibiting a form of extravegant love, seeing fruit of healing from it and then two days later seeing that fruit go bad, rotten, brown moldy and flies buzzing around it.
What cuases fruit to go bad? Letting it sit there, not doing anything with it. A banana left on the counter too long goes bad. Did I let the freedom fruit sit there too long...
God is here.
3 years ago
i left lettuce in my fridge once for almost two months - it turned brown and yucky - didn't look good to eat. Thus since it was in the fridge I came to my own conclusion that fridges make stuff go bad - from now on all my vegetables will go either a) in the cupboard above the sink or b) in the freezer.
It just makes sense, duh.
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