06 September 2006

So I didnt make it home once yesterday. I left my house at like 5pm Monday and the next time I walked in the door was like 730am this morning (by this morning I mean wednesday morning - incase you read this post after today - which will be more likely then not for the current time is tommorrow). During this crazy busy day of mine, I did not get a chance to charge my phone, and thus it died at aproximetly 5:38 pm. Well, I periodically was checking my voicemail. I checked my messages one last time before going to bed, and a message from a friend of mine saying "It is ten to ten, could you call me as soon as you get this"...I got the message at 1am, and I didnt wanna call that late...so I waited till the morning. Turns out people love me lots, I had a search crew out for me. My friend called and couldnt get a hold of me so called people who live near me, they called and actually came a knocking at my door, allthough clearly I wasnt home, and they called people I could possibly be with. I had search and rescue going for me, within 5 hours. Thanks guys for loving me!

Actually thanks everyone for loving me. Things have been somewhat tough lately, and I appriciate your encouragement and prayers and friendships. Please keep praying for me.

As tough as things have been there has been much goodness. I am seeing yet again the Lords faithfullness. He is faithful in His promises. He cannot lie. He promises love doenst fail...I am seeing that fruit, I am tasting that fruit and it is sooo good...soo juicy...soo satisfing. He promises we reap what we sow...I am seeing that fruit, I am tasting that fruit...and man is it good!

This great tasting fruit leaves me wanting more. I am seeing fruit in one persons life, a life I had in my flesh lost hope for, a life that in my flesh was doubting the Lords faithfullness to His promises, yet in His grace I have been able to taste and see that the Lord is good.

There are more lifes out there where in my flesh I have lost hope, and in my flesh I am doubting the Lords faithfullness to His promises, yet this fruit I am biting into now is what keeps me going. I am left wanting more.