03 September 2006

So I went to the bar with my mom the other night, oh man good times. Haha. (For the record, neither of us drink). I had a blast. We played a few rounds of darts, sang a little kariokee and enjoyed a $3 flat diet coke with lime! One thing I liked about it, was it got me excited about pub ministry...something I have NEVER been excited for, infact I have avoided it at all costs prior. Perhaps it is becuase I have been for lack of better words, burnt by it. My visions of this ministry involve going in full uniform, with old people, selling war crys...sure great in theory...not my cup of tea though. This night with my mom has changed my views on it. And we didnt even go in with the agenda of ministry, we simply went in for a good time. But I learned a few things while doing this...

1. When doing PM, play darts (or pool, but darts is more fun)...you start talking to the people playing next to you, and soon find out that they play every thursday at 9pm, and bam! you now show up every thursday at 9pm, making friends

2. When doing PM, sing Kariokee. I discoverd the joy of this on my last street combat in Vancouver with the Melissa Wight. ( I love you M ) we were walking the streets, evangelising to our neighbors, when we went into this one restaruant, not knowing there was Kariokee, we were goign to leave when the guys there asked us to sing...so we pulled out some Amazing Grace...and then I got to thinking...what a fantastic way to shine light into the darkness. Kariokee (i know im spelling it wrong!) Bars always have Amazing Grace, and the one I went to with my mom also had some mercyme, Jars of Clay, Delerious, HillSong etc. And, besides most people are too drunk to even notice how badly you are singing!

3. When Andy and Beracah come back they will be 19 and we can do some PM, play some darts, sing some songs, and make soem friends.

Speaking of Andy and Beracah...man I have some good friends. I love you guys. So I have been somewhat stressed and burdened these days (please pray for me) and my friends, allthough came up not just for me, they did have other stuff too, came up to see me in Victoria and pray with me....allthough in my defeat I rejected the love, yet I am receiveing it now...timings just a tad off. I love you guys! Be blessed.

I had a great day Saturday. I spent it alone. Which, becuase I am currently battling with some lonliness might not have been completly wise, but it was really great. I spent it entirely with the LORD. Turned my phone off, turned the lights off, locked the door, lit some candles and insence, played some Andy Hunter. This is not something I often do...for I love ansewring phones and haiving people over. But the Lord has been speaking rest to me lately, so I thought I would try it out. I am not one to firmly beleive in or take a "Sabbeth" because I think if you are walking continually with Yahweh, and in continual obedience then you are in continual rest. Anyways, I had a great time on Saturday...untill it was time for bed. I have managed to spend the last 21 years of my life with people, and last night was the first night that I can remember where I had to fall asleep alone, knowing I would wake up alone aswell. Beracah...how do you do it???....I was excited to go to bed early too, but at 3am still found myself awake thinking way too much...finly fell asleep after singing some praises.

And today I went to the most redneck fair I have ever been too!! (Hope noone is offended by this.!) But hey, you know you are at a redneck fair when...the main attraction is a potatoe dig, when there are more pie judging contests, egg judging contests and farm animal contests then there are rides...haha, good times none the less...my head is still spinning from some of the crazy rides. gotta love it.

wow...congrats the those of you who succesfully read this post in its entiretry. This is what happenes when internet access is limited...Ive gotta shove it all into one post!

Doctrine #3
We beleive in the Godhead. The Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost. Undivied in essence and co-equal in power and glory.

(yikes, I need to re read some of the doctrines if I plan on memorizing them verbatem!)

God Bless You Alls, heaps and heaps.


YOU DONT KNOW MEEEeeee said...

hey punk- when i come visit...or when you come visit...we should all go karaoke-ing...ok? ok.

Gods child said...

Hey Nicole. I love you lots! Can't wait to spend some more time with you.

Denise said...

redneck fairs...gotta love 'em! You are wonderful, Nicole! Love you!

Good choice of songs too... ;)