09 August 2006

So you see, Victoria has this swell thing called a "Busking Licence". For $10 you can get this permit to busk on the streets of downtown Victoria for a year anytime and any entertainment. This idea was birthed out of a cell we were running back in June---to busk and have all the money go to sponser kids. Today we did our first adventure. It involved one guitar, 4 people, 4 workship flags and a sign that read "All Proceed go to child victoms of War, Famine, Disease, Prostitution...."

It was cool, not only were we acting upon injustice by raising money for the kids...we were also prophetically worshiping over the city. Some songs were just songs of intersession done on the spot, songs calling out for the lost to return home, songs praising the greatness of God. We had the flags going too...not only worshipping God but also declaring righteousness over the city. Declaring holiness, purity, salvation and glory (i think those are what the flags we had represented)...all in all, it was a good afternoon.

We are going back out tomorow...pray for us!

Most people were giving coins.
Our billnotes came from Children.


Denise said...

The question is: How much did you make?!?
Fun stuff! And legal too!!! ;)

Matthew said...

Yeah...i agree with denise's question. how much money are you raking in for the kids?
I love the idea though...maybe I'll get some people to join me in ottawa next year doing somethign like that.
-champ out.

Rebekah Dooley said...

sweet idea :d
i am curious like denise and matt are how much did you guys make today
love you nicole!

Karyn Baker said...

SWEET!! I so want to come to Victoria and busk with you!! I've always promised myself that I would one day busk with my violin (classical, of course) in full formal performance regalia outside the Empress Hotel (which, for those of you only from Vancouver, is pretty much as opposite to the Main and Hastings Empress as you can get - very classy and high end). Maybe I can come and do it to help you raise money!!

armybarmy said...
