13 August 2006

Over the past little while I have found out Im not a huge fan of corporate worhsip these days.

When I was a student at The War College, click here to apply, I had a class with the fantastic Ian Gillingham. In the class we had a discussion on the pros and cons of high personal worship and low corporate worship and visa versa.

Not being a note taker, or if I was I probally would have thrown the notes away by now, I dont recall to the exact what those pros and cons were. But im sure we could guess the obvious.

Back in the day I ranked high on the corporate worship and low on the personal worship. Now I rank up on the personal and lower on the corporate. So I guess what Im saying is Im trying to find a proper ballance.

A reason for this is simply, in Vancouver I was provided wiht corporate worship settings, if it wasnt kneedrill it was Cariboo, if it wasnt Cariboo it was some conferance or Pray the Bible or camp, and I would even classfy the war room as corporate. Here, I have to really search for some solid settings.

Oh and to answer the busking questions...we have raised aprox. $75. Not tonnes, but it is a start. Keeping in mind this money is coming in with little musical talent, and yesterday my guitar string broke halfway through.

Karyn Baker....you are MORE then welcome to come play some violin for us!!!! You should get on the next ferry and come out...whats stopping ya?


Karyn Baker said...

Uh.....my job? I know it's weird, but when I just don't go, they tend to want to fire me.... What's with that, eh?
Otherwise I'd be there in a heartbeat - mostly just to see you.
Love you, Nicole.