17 August 2006

So I try not to over spiritualise everything....but I hold a high respect for the prophetic. I am realy fasinated with the meaning of names and what roots they hold spiritualy to the foundations of things Hence instead of my name on blogger being Nicole Brindle, it is Victorious one who leads in peace. A short while back I read up on different names and what they mean, now when I am on street combat or something and I met someone I will speak into them the 'destiny' of there name. So if I meet a Sarah I tell her she is a princess, or if I meet a Derek I will tell him he is Victorious etc. Anyways, there is a large spirit of lust in our neighborhood. The other day i was walking home from work and realised that the streets going North South, are boys names...William, Wilson, Henery, Edward etc, and the streets going East West are Catherine, Mary, Issabelle etc (yes there is an intersection where william and catherine meet). and I got to thinking, wow the 'prophetic' callig of this neighbourhood is relationship, and its not surprising that all my friends want to be with someone...the streets are pretty much declaring it. Now I hope you dont think im crazy...haha but you probally allready think I am. But while we are on this destiny of names thing...thats one of the reasons Im so excited to be in Victoria...just living here we are Victorious.

On a different note Ive been learnign alot about faith these days, and really wanting more of it.

So, what does you name mean???
Rise up and live up to your destiny.


Karyn Baker said...

Great thoughts, Nicole. Deep.
Karyn Elizabeth = Pure and consecrated to God.
Nice, eh?

YOU DONT KNOW MEEEeeee said...

my name means deceitful. and also...my middle name means bee. hmm...

Rebekah Dooley said...

Rebekah: Devoted one
Brenda: fiery hill, sword blade
Voila: from the name voilet and voilet is a royal colour
Clara:Clear, Bright
Lucy: Light
Jane: gracious, merciful, God is gracious

Caitlyn said...

Caitlyn: Pure; Purity
Theresa: Summer; harvest
Spence: Shopkeeper

Pretty un-profound