So Im diving into the gospels these days and the other morning I came accross the parable of the growing seed in Mark.
Not the parable of the scattering is that one so overplayed..haha joke....
Anyways, so the farmer throws the seed on the ground and leaves. Day and night the seed is at work, growing and getting ready to sprout, and the farmer doesnt even know it...then BAM one day the seed harvests and the crop is ready to harvest.
So we throw love out and leave it at striving. Day and night love is at work, cultivating in peopels lives, getting ready to bring light, we dont even know it....then BAM one day our friend gets saved and is ready to be disipled.
On a different note, i think im getting somewhat sick...please pray i dont. Its in my throut and ears.
I dont really have anything all that excited to blog about...i just am becuase i know i wont be back at a computer till Sunday.
Till Next time....
3 years ago
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