31 May 2006

so i was playing risk the other day with quinton, joey and andy. Before I continue I just want to annoucne that I won the game, and allthough Andy may choose to differ and say we ended the game with a mutual win, we both know that if we played it out fully, I would have without a doubt taken his guys out.

So what was my strategy, how did I win. It was simple...having alot of troops. I had so many troops on the board that I had to use three different colors becuase i ran out. And all i did to build up in numbers was wait. I didnt attack the whole game (well except for the one man places so i could get my card). And just did that all the time, trading my cards in and getting 20, 35, 50 extra men. And doing that was intimidating to the other players, just seeing my army grow, that they didnt attack me out of intimidation. (and the fact that they would loose)

i know it...your waiting for the Spiritual Parrell...i suppose that waiting upon the Lord will bring victory. By not stepping out in battle prematurally, for when you step out into battle without enough backup, defeat is in the air...
