24 May 2006

Keep looking at Yahweh, keep looking at Yahweh, keep looking at Yahweh. The enemy throws out a bunch of distractions to take your gaze off Yahweh, and because he is so darn manipulative I often dont realise i have taken my eyes away until i am in the mist of deafeat. But even in all this, just return to looking at Yahweh and everything else seems to fade away.

Sometimes I am too eager. Like, I will see what the Lord wants to do now...and what the Lord wants to do then...but the journey between now and then is a mystery. And becuase I see what God has planned, I just want to get there and sometimes forget that the process to it is sometimes the most important and vital part. Like when i am praying for someone and i get a word of knowledge about where pain roots from (for example), I will want (and sometimes do) tend ask questions that lead or manipulate the person into saying it, as opposed to being there to support as the other person discovers truth. But God is so gracious during this learning thats for sure.

Here is another picture (im going to run out of these soon...ill try and get some up that arent of me!haha)