23 May 2006

Haha, this picture thing is awesome.

So I was sleeping this afternoon (relax, i do night shifts....i usally dont sleep the day away) and my phone rings, I answer it and my friend Phil Marriott is on the other line saying...hey what are you doing right now...good, ill be over in 30 mins to pick you up. No, he doesnt call the day before, or even while on the ferry on his way over, he called while in the city giving me little time to get ready...just like the guy. But it was great to see him though. I knew he was in town, and I knew he was planning on visiting Victoria...but the timeing..haha....it was great.

Thank you everyone for your support. I am being so supported right now and it feels good. I had shared some concerns with some freinds and leaders and recieved the support and encouragment i needed. We are even supported with material things...like Beracah and I move into our new place this month, and we have people saveing up appliences, pots, pans, dishes, and furntiure for us. It is a wonderful feeling not haveing to everything on my own. Thank You everyone.


YOU DONT KNOW MEEEeeee said...

nicole! you're awesome!!