25 May 2006

I'd like to point you out to Matt and Andy's recent post.

On a different note.
Hmm i dont know if i have one. Im coming down with a cold if you could pray for me that would be awesome.
Oh and I have unlimited North America where I am staying...so yee haw.

Well, what to write.

I dont like confrontation one bit but i know im going to have to call some friends and comrades on a few different things, so if you could pray for me there too that would be awesome.

Wow, this is just a selfish post, askng you to pray for me...hmm lets see what else i can write.

Oh, upon reading Travis Roberts recent post i was reminded that love conquers all. He wrote about kids who have been in sin, and have generational ties attached and stuff, and that humanly we figure nothing can help. Ive been struggling with that somewhat here aswell. We are working with hard kids. Not that they are hard, i love them and are great friends but the flesh in me often will think, there is no hope, nothing can be helped...

hello!!! do i remember where i came from and what i came out of. yes there is hope. thats my mission and vision too...plans, hope, future. 5...6..years ago i would have looked at myself and said, yup, there is no hope...

thanks travis for reminding me LOVE CONQUERS ALL....

"I am the Lord, if i said it it will happen" Ezekiel 12:25.


YOU DONT KNOW MEEEeeee said...

call me!...you got my number?