Is there ever a time when there is too much mercy.
I like to walk in Mercy some like to call it a gift. But in my relationships I have recently run into situations that could have been avoided.
For example, I am in a relationship with this friend and we are working on some freedom things. God will bring things up and this person might not want to deal with them, so I will pull the mercy card and say, okay...when your ready, or pull the compassion card and not press in. Now this person is at a place she could have reached two months ago if I alowd more room for boldness.
Similarily I am in another relationship with another friend. She emailed me the other day with a heavy questions that related to her sin. My initial reaction was to again pull out mercy and assure her its okay. When I should tell her how wrong it is, and how it will lead to death.
In most of my offical disicpling relationships I avoid structure becuase my friends dont want to they just want to hang out. Which is okay, if when we hang out we are hanging out in mission, but just to sit and chat when we have set aside this time for structured disipleship is different. But becuase they dont want to go through the arrival kit or whatever we wont...and it becomes a pattern and freedom isnt reached and if it is, then it wasnt reached as quickly as it could have.
So is it possible to walk in too much mercy, and am I even walking in mercy in these situations.
3 years ago
We wlak a fine line. I think from situation to situation, we have to listen to Jesus to see what love should look like in specific situtions. But I often avoid it. Why? I don't know- maybe I think I can handle things better than Jesus can, that my love will be more accepted than His. Ouch. I think I have some repentance to do.
Yeah. My thoughts; It was in God's MERCY that he called the pharisees liars and hypocrites. It was because of his MERCY for the poor that he overturned tables in the temple and called it a den of thieves. Don't confuse mercy with timidity or apathy. Don't confuse mercy for others with your own need for acceptance and love. God's holy love puts himself in uncomfortable places so that others are forced to recognize the truth of His sincerity. Much love to you, sister! May God give you great boldness to step out in faith and violently grab hold of the Kingdom of God as it is advancing! May you recognize your authority in Christ to call things out as you see them, and bathe them in the blood of Christ, perfect in mercy.
yup - good stuff Aurora. I can speak to that, because I've had to walk in that. If something comes up in discipleship relationship with someone and the LAST thing you want to do is put your finger on it and the reason is because YOU feel uncomfortable, then you HAVE to do it. You aren't their friend if you don't. I had to confront a friend one time on a bed-wetting issue, and she was in her late twenties. (It wasn't Tara heehee, just in case you're trying to guess!) and no one else would do it, and you can talk about sin/toughstuff gently and with grace, but firmly and directly. It's all about God increasing you in maturity.
Grace and transparency to you Nicole...
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