So RAW is finished, and what a week it was.
One of my favorite things in the world is witnessing youth mobalised into mission, it stirs me up so much.
The last 4 days I got to see over 40 kids serve the LORD. I got to see over 40 kids give up there spring break to come to the downtown eastside and love the poor, I got to see over 40 kids worship the living God in new ways. Man am I ever pumped!
"Its funny, as soon as I stopped thinking what I could get out of worship and started thinking about others, I began to feel the LORDs presnce, I have never felt the Holy Spirit like this before" Tasha Chooi, Victoria, Age 16
Woo Hoo.
Thats just one of the many great testimonys from the week.
What are you doing March 18-21 2007? Why not come to RAW!
I had the blessing this week of co-organising the missions out. Now, I am not one to get stressed, but this weekend I must confess I did get a tad stressed. I am generally a people-oriented person, but with the missions I was task-oriented which was great becuase things needed to be done, but when sessions ran overtime and stuff I got slightly stressed becuase that ment that the missions would start late. But, I look back on it now and see that its all good. Sure it wasnt perfect, but when I asked my friends about their highs of RAW, I got many responces back on the missions, and how they wanted more street time. That was encouraging for sure.
We had great speakers, Steven Court, Danielle Stickland, Aaron White, Jonathan Evans, Andy Harrington, Amy Reardon and Micheal Collins speaking on Ezekiel 37 and breathing life into dry bones. We were blessed to worship under the leading of Jonny Michel. And praying in the 24/7 prayer room was pretty righteous itself.
If you were at RAW, leave a comment on your thoughts.
Oh, and I was formatting my template, and lost all my contacts...if you were on my blogroll previously and currently are not, please leave a comment so I can re put you on...Chella Im talking about you!
3 years ago
remember...people can be consistent in doing the wrong thing too. dependability requires consistency from a positive aspect. love ya, I pray that Jesus helps you find your phone. A-Dios
mines not on there...
RAW was awesome. God totaly shoved me full force out of my comfort zone (prophecying over someone i barely know)
God is awesome!
Seeing youth come out and do mission and worshiping the living god on their spring break made me smile and made god smile over all of us. i agree with lins that i hope jesus helps you find your phone!
you...are a poop. iwonderif you are home right now...
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