Caller ID is terrible. I wish I could take it off my phone. But becuase I have this great package deal its free and to remove it would actually change my contract, and by changing my contract I would be outa money.
Why do I dislike caller ID so much...becuase today I avoided a call. Not becuase it was a number I didnt know, not becuase it was someone I was giving the silent tretemnt too, not becuase it was someone stalking me, not even because I was busy...but becusae I simply didnt want to be bothered.
It was my friend, my brother, Gary who is in hospital right now. I reconised the number and avoided his call becuase I was too selfish and full of pride to talk to him. I knew he was calling to ask if someone could come visit him, and not wanting to I avoided the call. Do we understand friend who is lonley and scared in the hospital called me likely for a freindly voice and for comfort, yet I ignored the call.
Needless to say, I got fairly convicted afterwords, and now I am on my way to go visit him.
3 years ago
Good to see you growing in obedience!
Remember when you read Jesus' genealogy on the Skytrain and made everyone laugh?
Remember when I sat in your bed without you knowing it?
You don't? Oh. Well now you do!
Love ya!
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