If you have been reading my comments as well as the blog, you would have noticed one by Ashley. In it she mentioned that if I lost power I could listen to music on an iPOD which did not need plug in power. A random comment one would think however, I just won an iPOD from boundless where Ashley is the editor so its really not all that irrelivent now is it. Hahahaha...thats awesome!
On that note...check out boundless for some insight.
On a different note I came across a sobering reality the other day. Over the course of the past few months I have taken up a morning coffee ritual. The other day I was thinking and I realised I dont drink coffee in the mornings becuase I need to, or even want to, but rather I drink it becuase I want the addiction to it. Now thats a scary thought. Needless to say I didnt buy a coffee that day, and I dont plan to in the future either.
3 years ago
you can buy my slurpees with all the money you save from not buying coffee. k?
i meant to tell you- i woke up this morning after half-sleeping for a while and almost started crying. and then a few minutes later it happened again. and then like, 2 other times since then. wanna know why? ask me next time you see me and ill tell you...
also- the answer is love. i am called to love.
i just read the comment i left, and realized that the answer may be mistaken for the answer to what you're sposed to ask me- its not. it answers what i wouldnt tell you last week- just to clarify.
i love you, nicole.
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