27 May 2009

16 days without blogging, surely I can do better then that.
I was out of town for five of them, no excuse really, more of a segway into this blog.

Those five days I spent in Minneapolis Minnesota with a crowd from 24-7 Prayer. Check 'em out at http://www.24-7prayer.com/, and be sure to hit the 'communities' section and then scroll down to 'Vancouver 614'. But don't neglect the rest either - good site, good guys.

I didn't really know why I was going to this 24-7 gathering, or what would happen. I got asked, and I like travelling and networking and Aaron, so I went. It was really good, but if asked why it was so good, I don't know if I could give a concrete answer.

Hear me out as I process the week.

The first couple days I got to sit in on an international leaders meeting where I guess some of the logistics and operations of 24-7 happened. It was great to sit in and kinda get a sneak peek at it all, and see how it runs a little more clearly. If you're Salvo affiliated, I suppose it would be like a 24-7 rep sitting in on a DHQ meeting, where you don't necessarily know what is meant by the militant terms or structure system, but by sitting in you get a bit more informed. We talked about some really cool things - and as soon as some get ironed out a bit I'll blog about that. In the meantime go back to the 24-7 website above and click on the 'learning' link and read about Transit.

The next few days were the International Communities Gathering. This is where people from most (if not all) the North American Boiler Rooms came together. Here, we prayed a lot, surprise. They were split into 2-3 hour sessions given a topic or scripture and prayed. The first one we read chunks of Scripture from John 14 through to 16 and prayed. So it was basically a 3 hour Pray the Bible for those of you familiar with the context here. The next one was about a lot actually, I don't want to define it, but the Spirit of Adoption and how as Community we can adopt people in, and not just in theory but in family. That was my favourite one - it's close to my heart. Then on the last day we spent solid time praying and laying on hands for each Boiler Room Community - really good stuff.

And of course in all of that there were fires on roofs, tattoos, really hot weather, meals on blankets, and a wackload of great people.

Coming back to the original question I keep asking myself, why so great? Perhaps it was something new and fresh. Something that made things like unity and covering and fitting in a bit more real. Or something that made me feel special. I'm not sure. But it was really really good. People I've never met before were so great, I sure hope people react to us as a community the same way. To come visit people they've never met, and going back refreshed and loved. Hey why not come visit us and let us know!


Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing your experience with us, Nicole!