18 February 2009

Sometimes I get pen shy talking about The Salvation Army as it's not like I grew up in the Army- or that my aunts-cousins-friend or something was General so-and-so. I figure my 'officer-kid' friends or my fifth generation pals would have a much more requested voice to write about such things- yet here I sit with my finger tapping the side of my head pondering the future of The Salvation Army whilst my fingers graze the keyboard.

Thinking about the future of The Salvation Army though gets me really excited, and I think perhaps it is because I catch myself thinking of our past. I may not have ever been related to a Colonel or stepped foot in THQ- but when I read things such as;

"'Some men's ambition is art. Some men's ambition is fame. Some men's ambition is gold. My ambition is the souls of men."
- General William Booth

" 'I don't care if my officers can read or write, as long as they can cast out devils"
-General Cathrine Booth

"All great soul-winners have been men of much and mighty prayer, and all great revivals have been preceded and carried out by persevering, prevailing knee-work in the closet."
-Samuel Logan Brengle

I shant forget to mentions Booth's famous "I'll Fight" exhortation.

I can't help but feel what I imagine any Salvationist would, and for that matter should feel- a zeal for Holiness and a passion for the lost. It makes me forget the fact that I've only been in the Army for less then 15 years, and at that I've really only gotten any Salvo teaching for the past five. Rather I remember the teaching of our forefathers and I get pumped up about the idea of returning to our roots and seeing masses get saved and cities transforming and the Holy Ghost falling upon saints and sinners alike.

'There is no improving the future without disturbing the present" - Cathrine Booth.
Let us remember these words of our founder lest we get stuck in some sort of apathetic slump.


Unknown said...

Amen. Press in for it, sister!