Noah (4 yrs old): That is from The Salvation Army (pointing to some magasine I think)
Me: What is The Salvation Army
Noah: An army
Me: An army of what?
Noah: Souls
Nicole: What do we do?
Noah: We fight
Me: What do we fight?
Noah: The leauge of darkness
Then 2 year old Dominic walks into the room, un aware of the previous conversation...
Nicole: Dominic, what is The Salvation Army
Dominic: An army of soldiers.
Nicole: What do we do?
Dominic: Fight
Nicole: What do we fight?
Dominic: Noah
Perhaps in 2 years, Dominic will realise that we are not fighting Noah, but as Noah says, we are fighting the leauge of darkness - but he's definetly got the first part nailed down.
My conversation with Noah continues...
Nicole: How do we fight?
Noah: A sword and sheild.
Nicole: Whats a sword and sheild?
Noah: Swords get away evil things, and a shield stops something from hurting you.
Nicole: Well, thats true, a sword is the Word of God
Noah: (in a frusterated tone) 'I KNOW'.
Nicole: So, whats a sheild, or who is our shield?
Noah: God
Noah (and Dominic) reminded me today of the importance of not being blind to warfare. Surprisingly, it has been a while since I viewed warfare in a militant sence. But that can get us in a dangerous place of apathy, tolerance and ignoance. But lets fight (in love, becuase love never fails) with our swords (word of God) and sheilds (God -from Psalm 91, or faith as Paul suggests in Ephesians) to destroy the leauge of dakness.
3 years ago
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