This is just a quick blog to hold you up until I can have more then five minutes at a computer.
Well I am here in Old Orchard Beach, Maine - it is absolutely fabulous. My next blog will give more details as I have to get going sooner then I thought.
But there is a group of us here doing some Prophetic Evangelism, or Spiritual Readings as our sign says. There has been some great fruit come out of this - Ill write all about it another time, but in the mean time please pray for us. Pray stuff like Psalm 91 over us, and I petition you to pray for me too. But the Lord is good, so so good is He.
We've been rained out a couple nights, and had the pleasure of listening to the preaching of Commissioner Israel Gaither - great preacher.
OOB, is a very small town, I am still trying to figure out how it attracts so many, well it is absolutely gorgeous so I guess that's a good reason why....but I ran into some old Corps Officers of mine here. When I was in the War College (apply today at I had my summer assignment in Victoria BC, and since then those officers have moved to Regina SK. Last night I ran into them here, in OOB, ME...weird! It was great to see them though.
Anyways, Im off to go pray...yipee!
Pictures to come.
3 years ago
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