It is so good to be weak.
Yes, I said that right.
It is good to be weak.
Weakness, I have discovered, is a great place to be.
It is only in weakness that we can find the epi center of humility.
It is only in weakness that we really really REALLY have to rely on the Lord and on others.
But this isnt something I can take credit for, or have come up with myself. It's a truth I have heard many times before, that the Lord's strength and power is made perfect in our weakness (2 Cor. 12:9) or even dating before that in Isaiah 40, that the LORD gives strength to the weary and gives power to the weak.
But, it is only in weakness that this truth, that we hear often, becomes a reality. It is in only in weakness that we understand this mystery.
Although, weakness hidden under pride, or under lies, or under fear, or under not being vulnerable or real is a very dangerous place to be.
So embrace your weakness, so that, you can be embraced by the LORD.
Where's Nicole at?
Physically - back in Vancouver. Linsey's wedding was lovely...beautiful...a joyous time by all. I'll post pictures soon. Since being back I've gone up to camp, and did a teaching thing on Listening went over really well, I was blessed, others were blessed, it was a blessed time. I head back up for Teen Camp on Sunday, for a week, that will be great too. So this week I still feel in vacation mode...all laid back and all. Since I know I'm going out of town again shortly, I havent really stepped back into routine, and I'm okay with that :)
Emotionally - I am in this beautiful place of weakness. And really, it is a great place to be. I feel so weak, and on edge, and unstable, yet so strong...why? Only through God's strength do I know this.
Spiritually - I am loving the LORD's presence (and I credit this to my recent love of weakness). Digging in Isaiah in my rations. Chewing on the LORDs Righteousness and Justice -thinking of some sweet tattoo's too, probably on my feet - you know for the whole foundation effect.
3 years ago
g'day mate
it's great to read how you are going and how you are growing in Christ, especailly since i haven't had much of a chance to chat with you.
Keep it up, you are awesome and you sharing your life is a great encouragement to others.
love ya mate.
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