We are the salt of the earth and the light of the world.
Taste (salt) and see (light) that the Lord is good.
Mouth and eyes.
I wonder if our evangelism should come from the mouth and eyes. What I mean is that sure a large part of what we clasify as evangelism is what we say (mouth-taste-salt), but I think a larger part comes from what others see. (Eyes-see-light).
I heard a great preacher the other night talk about the image of Christ and in the end encouraged us to pray that we would see Christ in others and that others would see Christ in us. And furthered his action points with approaching people and telling them where they see Christ. So, I suggest the same to you, email, call, text, visit someone and tell them where you see Christ in them.
The knowledge of Salvation is the forgivness of sins. (Luke 1:77)
In studying salvation...I came across Isaiah 1, and found it interesting (and assuring) that salvation is active. A lot of verses talk about us being washed and clensed by the Lord (and Im not knocking those in anyways, as we cannot DO anything to be saved, salvation can ONLY come from the LORD and by His grace and not by what we do) but in Isaiah it tells us to wash ourselves, to cease to do evil, to do good, to seek justice, to correct oppression, to bring justice to the fatherless and to please the widows case. Though your sins are like scarlet they shall be as white as snow, though they are red like crimson they shall become like wool. If you are willing and obedient you shall eat the good of the land. (Isaiah 1:16-19)
Later in Isaiah salvation is described as a hiding place and shelter.
In the end I still have no idea what Im talking about, but I know I want to.
I'll be processing my reflections as I continue to reflect.
3 years ago
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