24 July 2007

I've personaly never been one to have a "Sabbath" day as some Christians I know encourage. I havent fully had an arugement for it either - just that holiness is where we can find continual rest. Maybe my problem is I dont have knowledge on what a Sabbath really is. I might be wrong on the following interpretation but I was reading and meditating on Isaiah 58 this morning and wrote this down. Im also not knocking the idea of having a day set aside I just havent been convinced into one.

The LORD speaks through Isaiah and says keep the Sabbath and goes on to say that it looks like

  • honoring the LORD
  • not doing your own thing
  • or speaking idoly

and it is by doing that where we find joy and we feast and we ride of the heights of the land....hmm, sounds like honoring the Sabbath is simply holiness? Now if I recall holines is a lifestyle, so therefore the Sabbath is a lifestyle too, right? So why do we reserve one day a week to rest and to have a "Sabbath", for if we are walking in holiness we are in a 24/7 Sabbath, are we not?

If we are not walking in holiness, does that mean we should reserve weekly time for a "Sabbath". I keep putting Sabbath in quotations, becuase Im a bit lost on what that means...maybe i should study Sabbath before I blog about it eh? Anyways just putting my thoughts out there and I welcome feedback as a sift through this.

Maybe my next blog with be on Sabbath...Shabat - and the depth of it.

God is here.