Corporate worship. Is it a nessesity or a priviledge? Are we required as Christians to meet together and usher in the sweet presence of the King together? If we spend all our worship alone, with just you and Him, is that pleaseing enough?
Just something Im fiddling though.
But are we ready? Are we prepared for the coming of the King? Now is the time of preperation. Like a bride before the wedding, we must be ready and prepared for the coming of our groom. Make sure everything is in order, and that we havent missed any detail, big or small. Make sure you bring extra oil for the lamps, we dont want to be like the foolish virgins who miss His coming. The big day is near. Are our thoughts consumed by the excitement of His return. When I am really excited for something, or expecting something big - my mind doesnt wonder away from it - I am constinly focused and thinking about it, and anxious for it. Its got to be the same way with Jesus' return. Let us not stop thinking about it.
Come Lord Jesus Come.
God is here.
3 years ago
Question on worship is very thought provoking. (hehehe.. big smart wording..) Now I'll end up thinking about it all day. Thanks! :D
Is there cell tomorrow at 4? When are you free for piano? I'm free anyday but wed. and this sat. Oh, and I'm not going to ESQ until the 2nd sem starts up. I'm going to SJ until the 26th.
Well Nicole, I think that we are required to come together and corporately (sp?) worship our Lord. Worship is a lifestyle, so of course we are supposed to worship on our own. There are different ways to worship God, some are on our own (like reading his word or just being alone with him like sitting on ur bed and just talking with him, with nobody around). Those times are very important. To just have nobody else around (physically) and just focusing on Jesus and sitting at his feet, worshipping him. But coming together and worshipping Him together is just as important. Because worship can also be praying for other people, fellowshipping with others, singing to Him corporately, serving people. It is all of that, and that is just as important as the alone time. But is it enough to just worship him when nobody is around? I don't think so. I think it has to be both alone and corporate worship.
Here is another thought: God is pleased with all worship though, as long as our hearts are in it. I think that is all that God worries about, is our hearts. Not whether we do it alone or as a corporate body.
That is really good question though. Very thought provoking as yellowmendy said *waves* Hi, I don't know you, but good wording ^_^
Bless you!
I am done with this comment because I had trouble spelling corporatley each time i went to spell it out hahaha..its late..thats probably why ^_^
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