When I walk through the valley of the shadow of death...
ITS ONLY A SHADOW!!! Now that's some exciting news. Its only a shadow, its only a shadow.
So when did Satan fall from heaven. Do you reckon it was at the death and resurrection of Christ? Up until today I kinda always thought (and still thinking) that his fall was simply at the beginning of time, before the fall of man. Well, hear me out, still processing some thoughts. So in Job, God asks Lucifer "Where have you been" he replies "throughout the earth" and God says "ah, so have you seen my servant Job....etc". Now here it says that Satan went with the other angels to present themselves before the LORD...thus had access to the throne room. In Revelation 12 John says he saw him get hurled to the earth and thus no longer having access to the throne room. So A, we know that this was after the fall of man, and B we know it was after the death and resurrection of Christ - was it after, or was it at the time of.
Christs death and even more powerful His resurrection surely had the grace to not only bring an atonement of Salvation to the whole world yet also destroy and hurl the dragon down to the earth. Imagine it so He breathes his final breath, bam there's darkness covering the earth and an earthquake - could it be the dragons fall as much as it is the Lords victory - which really is the same thing anyways?
Make sense? Probably not, its just what I'm thinking through.
God is here.
3 years ago
The idea's unique, but I think I have to disagree. Revelation 12:1-6 is talking directly about christ but also the woman displays an analogy of a faithful community starting with the son (Abraham) the moon (Isaac) the stars (Jacob and their seed, through persecution of the covenant community up until the birth of Christ. Revelation 12:7 (Satan thrown down to earth) is not speaking directly of the post resurection period. The reason that these sections were written consecutivly was to emphasis that christ's assention and the devils expulsion inugarated the prophesied messianic kingdom (Psalms 2, Daniel 2). In other words Christ's kingdom had begun immediately following his death and resurection.
Scripture supporting Satan's and his hosts fall at creation include Isaiah 14:11-16, Ezekial 18: 12-19, 2 Peter 2:4 and Jude 6. (Enoch also speaks of satans fall at creation)
Job and Zecharias account of the devil roaming the earth only emphasises that he did so before Christs death and ressurection, and also that God permitted his actions. The death and ressurection of christ have bannished the devil from this privilage formally granted by God.
Basically, Jesus nullified the devils power to put others to death (Hebrews 2:14) which links these two sections in Rev. 12
oops, I guess that was a bit of a rant, sorry!
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