I had the most fun conversation of my life tonight! (somewhat exagerated)
I was talking with a good salvo friend of mine and we got on the topic of predestination which inevitably led to once saved always saved...and thus a debate between the Wesleyan and Calvanism world views. (ironically I, the non-solider was standing up for dear old Wesley and he the salvationsist giving props to Mr. Calvin)
So I was like, dude everytime you wear your uniform you are basically walking in a lie. When you where the uniform you are saying "We/I beleive that Jesus Christ, through his death and suffering made an atonement for the whold world and that whosoever will may be saved" When you wear your unifiorm you are saying "We/I beleive that a continued state of salvation depends on a continued state of obedience"...but you are telling me that infact thats not what you beleive, you dont beleive that whosoever will may be saved, you are saying that our salvation is predestined. You are telling me that you dont think one can those their salvation yet your uniform tells me differently ..
This conversation was mostly fun becuase I was actually somewhat educated for this random debate. I am memorising the doctrines and reading up on some orders and regulations for soldiers and some Weslyan/Holiness stuff.
And then I got to thinking, I have memorised 11 doctrines of the salvation army in lets say 2 months, yet I have not intentionally memorised one verse of scripture. OUCH. Looks like I need to get some priorities straight! If I could have this much fun quoting faith statements to someone allready saved, how much more fun would it be quoteing scripture to someone who isnt!
God is here.
3 years ago
sweeet post, Nikki-b.
I've actually been going over a lot of stuff to do with predestination in my head lately, this helped clear some stuff up for me.
And War College trip=whenever you want.
I'm game for pretty much any time.
I still disagree with you Nicole on this whole calvin/wesley thing...yet i do agree with you - they're probably up in heaven on the right and left side of God - the best of friends.
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