23 August 2006

So my last post was about how I didnt like my other job, this post I want to brag about my fantasticist job ever!

So I am goign to Vancouver tomorow (yehaw!! im so excited-i cant wait to see everyone!!!) for the War College grad and phase two grad. I have mentioned this to my co-workers. I walk into work tonight and there is a lovely card, with some cash and a bouquet of roses for me!!!! I have only ever gotten flowers once before and that was my highschool grad from my old corps officer...shout out to Major Russ Holland! It was so nice.

I work with such a lovely team of ladies here! Sure it is a government run facility and all but there is so much support for eachtoher and a huge sence of community! God totally blessed me up with this job thats for sure. Not only do I get payed a lot of money do output very little energy, not only do i get three weeks of paid vacation time, but I work with such an awesome group of people aswell! I love my job. By the way, Im at work right now, writing this blog...why? Becuase I flippen get paid to do this!!! Haha.

Wow, tonight has been a night of wows!
The original intent of this post was to talk about my job but events on msn tonight have somewhat changed the focus.
This drafting of the post has been interupted manyatimes becouse of MSN converstations. Some from my friends in Vicotira, some from my old teen cell in Vancouver, some from a girl i used to work with at Camp...yet the common denominator (wow! never thought i would use that in a sentance ever!) is pain. Every conversation I have had tonight is becuase my friends are hurting. Why keep living one asked....I am running out of tears, running out of blood wrote another....I feel like no one cares anymore...I should just run away.....i cant escape this hell....etc etc etc....man my heart hurts so much. Anohter common factor in these freinds is they are all doing drugs.

When will we understand that drugs = pain.
Again Im pointing you out to Pat Humbles recnet post on drugs.
"Drugs will kill you"

Please, stop getting high.


YOU DONT KNOW MEEEeeee said...

why you so bossy on your blob? first you tell me to embrace the deceitful destiny of my name- then you tell me to stop getting high? you suck!
jkjk! i love you nicole!