07 June 2006

I played the wife today, which inevitably means Beracah was husband. Shall I explain. Today, while Beracah was hard at work 9 - 6, I stayed at home and did the laundry, banking, cleaning and cooking. Haha. I didnt do it alone though, I had a friend with me the whole time! Oh man, if you didnt know better one might think we are. I mean at the moment we only have one double bed, while we wait upon two single's, so you walk into our house and if you dont know us, all you see is us doing eachothers laundry and banking, cooking for eachother, and you look in the bedroom to find one bed, with one set of bedding! Halarius. I work nights and she works days so its not totally dodgy....just really funny. And besides we are girls. But its still really funny!

So Andy and I went to the local highschool to have lunch with some of our friends. After we had lunch, two of the girls (one a previous friend, and the other a new friend I made just today) desided...WITHOUT MY INFLUENCE I MUST ADD (shocker i know)....to skip the last two classes. Since they were going to skip anyways, I figured, hey why not spend the afternoon with us. So my one friend (who will remain anonymus for her own protection) and my new friend, Andy and myself walked all over town doing boring errands, but deepening relationships. Then we headed back to my place (its so cool saying that) to chill. Andy left after a bit and the three of us desided it would be awesome to cook Beracah dinner when she came home from work. And awesome it was. It was so fun making it with this annonymus person.

We like to keep things simple. Our mission out here in Victoria is simple, move in, get jobs, and makes friends. Up until Sunday we were great at the getting jobs and making friends part. The moving in...not so much. We didnt get possestion of a place in the communtity we were called to until Sunday. Prior to that we were miles (it seemed with the lack of vehicals, and the poor transit system) away. We tried not to let it stop us, but it definetly hindered. There were days we didnt leave the house becuase of distance, and money and time. But as soon as we moved in, things picked up hugely! I had been stuggling with some doubt about hearing the Lord right and some confustion of what He wanted, but once we moved into the neighborhood...BAM...shalom came upon. And wow, in the last 36 hours I have felt more established then the last month (can you beleive I have been there this long!!!! Today marks my one month aniversary of moving to Vicotira). In the past 36 hours, I have had more effective disiplship then i have in the last month. In the past 36 hours, we have had our first meeting in our home, our first communtiy meal, and we are having our first squad tomorow, none of this happened in the past month. Things are going fantastic! Thanks for your prayers! Being incarnate is key.

Oh, one cool thing about our place is we have desided no TV (that was a simple disition) and no internet. I have had much more fruitful and deep rations without the distraction of it. Like there is no more "If you hurry and finish you can check your email" and I only had TV for a couple weeks but there were many times I would "Hurry so that I can be finished by 7:00 to watch America's next top model" or whatever. Now, I without those distractions I have understood intamacy with Christ on a new level...still learning this one. And I have picked up reading!!! Something I NEVER do. But tonight after my anonymus friend left, and Beracah was getting ready for bed, and I had about an hour to kill before I had to leave for work, I picked up "Aggressive Christianity" By Catherine Booth and Cory Harrison, and gave it a good read. Its been a LOOOONG time since Ive been excited to read more. Man LIFE IS GOOD!

Sorry for the long post...I cant help it...God is too good!
Bless you all!