26 May 2006

Well today,

I was all excited. I was going to be alone. Not a common thing for me to disire, I love being with people, and if I happen to wind up being alone Ill pop online or the phone or go for a walk and find someone.

Yes, I know, Im never alone cuz Jesus will never leave me or forsake me. I mean I wanted alone time...me and Jesus time.

So that opportunity came about...my friends wanted to go to X-Men 3...now my LEAST favourate thing in the entire world is to watch movies, and worse then that is to go watch a movie in a movie theater and even worse then that is watching an action move in theaters...so I stayed home and had a whole evening planned...just me and Jesus...until...

The son of the family I am house sitting came over. It was akward. And like a recent post of mine...I allowed myself to be manipulated by the distraction and avoid time with Jesus when I still could have had my party in my room or something.



Anonymous said...

10 reasons why i love nicole

10) Because Jesus Loves her

9) Because she will sit on a roof and eat a whole bag of my favorite kind of chips with me (along with a candy bar and some orange soda) even though she doesn't really like the kind of chips we got

8) She takes me on crazy awesome adentures to beaches and snow covered baseball fields.

7) She is an amazing person to talk to

6) She is soooooooo much fun to be with because she always wants to talk and makes up fun games to play so people won't get bored.

5) Her hair smells pretty

4) She understands me

3) She gives me green encouragement notes and comes by my room when i am sick and buys me soup and ice cream

2) She never judges or is condeming about anything

1) Because she is just nicole. She is real.

I love you bunches and miss you a whole lot right now.

Roro said...

hey nicole: i miss your face!

Anonymous said...

nicole, i wish you were here right now because i am just so confused and sad and all the emotions that come along with that.