15 May 2006

how did you wake up this morning?
did it involve a screaming 14 year old...cuz mine sure did.
i had pulled an allnighter at work, and got home at 8am and was sleeping when at 930 my phone rings and i ignore it...not once, not twice but 5 times in about 2 minute intervals..so i begin to think a possible emergency is arising, so i go answer it and hear about 5 teenage girls screaming in my ear. it was a beautiful wake up call...God bless you 614 Vancouver teen cell. note to self...do not publish phone number on blogger...
i fall back asleep only to be awoken with 2 more phone calls and alot more screaming at 11.

for real though, teen cell girls, if you are reading this, i love and miss you very much! keep it real and stay close to Jesus...you are all beautiful and you will change this world! (and dont forget to add my nexopia!!! username = nicole?)

Today Beracah and I looked for housing. We came accross two good lead possibilities...but we didnt have peace...please pray hard that Jehova Jira will provide quickly.


sixonefour said...

that sounds like a pretty sweet gift! I wouldn't mind waking up that way. Wellll...that's an easy thing to write on a blog, but let's face it, in real life, I may exude some mild grumpiness... :)

Anonymous said...

Teen girl cell = teen girl squad!

Our teen cell girls are well and truly crazy.
