15 May 2006

Hey i got a new phone number! Everyone should call me...its
1-250-85-PEACE (73223)
i tried to get life, hope, light, truth, yhwh, but they were all taken...so peace it was.
so ya, thats my new number...call me! and you can reach andy or beracah there too.

so what is Jesus teaching me these days...
alot about balance...the balance between friend and spiritual authority, the balance between being a people pleaser and helping people be normal, the balance between forgiving and trusting, ...just alot about balance...and staying even with out become too weighted on anyside. also He has been teaching me about boundries....

actually lets talk about boundries for a sec.
boundries are MUCH easier to set up at the begining of relationships then trying to reverse them. but what if you dont know what your boundries should be....what are your boundries when you are making friends...how do you encourage relationship and friendship at the same time you want to rebuke behaviour that is of the world??