Who says crazy things dont happen anymore?
Oh thats right, I never did!
Check out this cool thing.
So a couple of the girls in my teen cell were talking on MSN.
One girl Dom... a Christian, her MSN name was "Jesus Saves"
The other girl Aysha...a buddist, her MSN name was "Gabe" (which is her boyfriends name)
So as they were talking it would go something like this
Jesus Saves: Hey
Gabe: Hey how r u?
Jesus Saves: good u
Gabe: Im good.
And Ashya was like...wow thats so cool, look Jesus Saves Gabe....
First thing, thats pretty rad right there, that one of our girls who isnt saved, thinks its cool that "Jesus saves Gabe"
Then after they got off MSN, Ashya started praying for Gabe.
Second thing, thats pretty rad right there, that one of our girls who isnt saved, started praying.
Then Ashya testifies that she didnt light insence, but after she was praying for Gabe, her room smelt so much like insence that she had to spray fabreze!!!
Come on! Thats rad! One of our girls, who isnt saved, and is infact buddist aswell, prays and her room fills with insence.
"The prayers of the saints is like sweet smelling incence" Revelation.
It wont be long till salvation springs up from the ground.
Man, im so pumped!
3 years ago
that is awesome :D
my brothers name is gabe...
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