26 August 2005

Im in the middle of cleaning, and by cleaning I mean throwing out old junk, my room at my moms. And I just have to write some of the humor down!

I threw out all my old high school yearbooks, becuase really I dont need them...but looked threw the comments one last time...here is one of the comments from my ninth grade yearbook

"Party hard this summer, and maybe if church doesnt give you anymore bad
influences you'll smoke up with me again, you are so fun when you are high, your
fun sober too"
At least he credited my change to the of the church...[Jesus]

Along with this cleaning I came arcross an old journal. Here is one of the songs I wrote.

"My tears are falling for you, The love I felt is still here, Torn away our love
is gone, My tears are shattered, Our love is tarnished, My tears are shattered,
Nothing but the memories to hold on to, The memories of pain and of sorrow,
Those happy times have disappeared, It felt like only yesterday when you were
here, Holding my tightly away from fear, I weep when I think of you and I cry
when I dont, My tears are shattered, Where is the hope?? Shattered tears,
Shattered tears, Shattered tears...."

Im sure theres some righteaus redeeming available, but its a good laugh!!!

I also found an old portfolio from my high school photography class...the cover of this portfolio had some crosses, name of Jesus, etc, yet also sported some Pantera and Slayer (bands of demonic orientation) hmm, looks like I didnt have my priorities set yet! Inside this portfolio where some photos I took, and I had forgotten this passion I once had. But mixed in with the Nicole Brindle originals where some photos I had stolen too...hmmm...

Okay, Im going to go back and clean the rest of my room! Cheers