Yes, it is true that I turned in my soldiership. Why you ask...ahhh Im glad you asked.
I was young and foolish when I signed it. I was 16 and took the classes to learn more about the Army. My intent was to become an adhearant, however upon some pressure from others, "Nicole you are soldier materail" I gave into pressure and signed the articals of war, in full knowledge I had no intent on keeping the covenant. After a few years of constantly breaking the covanant, which I self-justified by saying "Its a convanant, once it is broken it is forever broken" the Holy Spirit spoke to me about my unfaithfulness I decided if I was going to be serious about being a soldier I would re-take the classes and re-sign the articals of war. I never did this, and began being a soldier when convenient. For example, if I was talking to a THQ emoloyee I would say I serve as a soldier at the Richmond Corps, but if I was going to have a casual drink with some friends I would say I broke the covanant and therefore it is okay. The LORD had me in a season not too long ago where I was in study of the word covanant, and really how deep it is, and what covanant truely means. Covanant is so much deeper then the english word. Covanant in the Greek is 'histemi' which translates to stand, abide, appoint, bring, continue, covenant, establish, up hold, lay, present, agree, name a few. The book of Hosea shows God's covenant love for his people. Anyways I could go a whole lot deeper into covenant but maybe i will save that for another blog. My point is, I resigned my soldiership becuase I was ignorant to it, and maybe one day when I will sign it again.
3 years ago
just talk to your corps officer
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