Why should the Devil get all the good songs? A quote popularized by none other then William Booth, who back in the day would be hanging out in a bar and be hearing all these great tunes, yet the words were unglorifying to God, so being the wise man he was, thought why should the Devil get all the good songs, and changed the lyrics to popular song tunes.
Yet I would like to propose some new questions.
The following names have been changed.
Why should the Devil get 'Lynn'. She has so much potential. A beautiful person inside and out. A beautiful intersessor, with the Fathers heart. A person rising up and overcoming wickedness in her life. A person trapped in bondage, longing to be free. Why should the Devil get 'Lynn'?
Why should the Devil get 'Sandy'. She has so much potential. A person with a hunger for the Holy Spirit. A person with the thirst for justice. A person with no community, other then that of the world. A person who is geographically distant. A person who longs for the truth but gets trapped in lies. Why should the Devil get 'Sandy'?
Why should the Devil get 'Darlene'. An elderly widow who is suffering, who is weary, who is alone. Why should the Devil get 'Darlene'?
Why should the Devil get 'Renee'. A young lady who once served the LORD in humility. A young lady who once feared the LORD. A young lady who is now finding love in the wrong places, who is now living life from party to party. Why should the Devil get 'Renee'?
Why should the Devil get 'Joe'. A helpless orphan who through no fault of his own is confused, hurt, suffering, dying. Why should the Devil get 'Joe'?
This list could go on. Im sick and tired of seeing the Devil hand pick his victoms. Im sick and tired of seeing the Devil take my friends out.
3 years ago
Me too, sister, me too.
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