The LORDs Prayer...
This is how Jesus taught us how to pray. In the past, I have often prayed this prayer...yet I also often prayed it without heart, passion or meaning...I just said it because I knew it or becuase its a good prayer, both are good things but lacking the spirit componant of it, it was just like 6:7 warns us not to do..."dont repeat your words again and again". This is a powerful prayer and should be done with reverance and awe to the King.
OUR Father...the first word of the prayer empasises that Salvation is a community thing and not a personal thing.
Matthew 6:25-27 is the first parable spoken by Jesus Christ.
7:7-Never give up. Always ask. Always look. Always Knock. The promise is right will be given to never give up.
True Disciples
"Many will tell me 'LORD LORD, we prophesied in your name and cast out demons in your name and performed many miracles in your name' But I will say 'I never knew you'"
Do you do these things, yet do not go to your closet and pray alone to the Father. Do you do these things and do not give your gifts in secret.
The Golden Rule
Many religions, Judaism, Buddism, Hinduism, Confucism all have negitive 'golden rules'. Chritianity's Golden Rule is a positive thing. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
The word 'Father' as in God, is mentioned 17 times in Matthew. The spirit of adoption is all over this book!
3 years ago
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