Salt and Light-Matthew 5:13-16
It is easier to take off the basket that is covering your light, then it is to return flavor to salt.
Anger, Lust and Divorce-Matthew 5:21-33
"So if you are standing before the altar in the Temple, offering a sacrifice to God, and you suddenly remember a dispute between you and another brother or sister, leave your offering and be reconciled with that person" Matthew 5:23-24.
How many times have you heard this verse? many times have you obeyed that verse?
Reconciliation is the cure for anger.
Why arent there people walking around with one eye gouged out or a hand cut off. Are we that holy, or that disobedient!
Vows-Matthew 5:33-37
Be honest. Dont lie. Let your yes be a yes and your no be a no. I am not saying I agree with the following question, just putting it up there to allow for a little debate! Does signing the Articals of War go against this what Jesus teaches about the value of your word?
3 years ago
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