Love until it hurts - and love some more, because LOVE NEVER FAILS.
Have you ever loved some body so much it made you cry?
Okay - corny boy band songs aside, really - have you ever?
This summer I remember one of those times. I was counselling at a teen camp and one of the girls was upset. My heart was filled with compassion at her brokenness. I went over to talk to her, ask her about it, I went over to love her - and she turned around, walked away and told me to leave. My heart broke. I had so much love in me, I wanted to love on her so bad - and it was rejected.
This then intensified as we were in a full camp meeting and there the Lord revealed to me how many of his children reject him and his love. The question we were asked is, How does God see you? I wept as I would look around the room and know that God sees him as His son, and Her as His daughter and them as His Children - and see how His Children didn't know that, how it was being rejected. How the pain I felt from my friend rejecting the love I wanted to lavishly pour out, is a snippet of pain Christ must feel.
And as I wept the tears kept coming and the pain wouldn't stop. It was so painful. Yet as painful and hard as this rejection felt - it was a good place, as I felt so close to The Father's Heart, and feeling/being that close is safe and secure. I encourage you to love someone so much that it makes you cry.
Today I am wrestling through the same thing. How deep my love for someone is. And do know, that love only comes from Christ - I couldn't love and care about people the way I do on my own. And when I want to talk to her and surround her and pour into her and lift her up and love her - I am denied. And it hurts, and I want to give up, stop loving, but I can't. I can't stop. Nothing can make me stop.
And again, this is only a snippet. A molecule. Christ's love is far beyond that. His love is deep, and I pray together with all of the saints that we might be able to grasp how LONG and how HIGH and how DEEP and how WIDE His love really is. And to know that nothing, NOTHING can separate us from His love. Death cant. Life Cant. Angels cant. Demons Cant. Not powers or rulers or principalities.
Love until it hurts - and love some more, because LOVE NEVER FAILS.
3 years ago
Has me thinking about this song:
How deep the Father's love for us,
How vast beyond all measure
That He should give His only Son
To make a wretch His treasure
How great the pain of searing loss,
The Father turns His face away
As wounds which mar the chosen One,
Bring many sons to glory
Love this one.
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