Did you read armybarmy today?
Good, then you must have refreshed yourself with Catherine Booth's quote "It is time for FIRE", which reminded me of a tongue that someone had a couple weeks back with the interpretation, "It's time for the FIRE to raise up".
FIRE, has been a bit of a theme for me lately I suppose you can say...fittingly this years War College name is Incendiary, which means someone who deliberately starts fire, or a person who stirs up fire.
So a few weeks ago in Cell the Lord said to me "Fire, start the FIRE". And I started reading 1 Kings 18, when Elijah was on Mt. Carmel and the YHWH vs. baal debate. Elijah says "He who answers by fire, He is God" (needless to say, our God, YHWH, was the one to answer by fire)
Then at Knee Drill that same week I was brought back to this same passage. And the reality of it is that we need to know the Lord. The FIRE of the Lord fell and consumed the offering and the wood and licked up the water. We need to know this was done so people would know the Lord. The FIRE births intimacy (which might even relate to why romantic and intimate times often involve candle light)
Then the other week I was on street combat...and when I found out it was the Incendiary's last one before summer assignment I got this picture of a dying fire, the coals were hot and the smoldering, and it wasn't a bad thing - because at any moment you put the wood on, or you put the paper on and the flames would burst forth quickly.
Then with the coal thing in mind the Lord brought me to Isaiah 6 in my rations. You know the famous calling of Isaiah. When he had a vision from the Lord and the serephim took the burning hot coal and touched his lips and he was clean and all guilt and sin was atoned for.
But the thing about this was Isaiah could not be sent without being cleansed. He could not go out from here with out the washing and sanctification of the Lord.
The coals birth fire. The coals represent the holiness of the Lord. Holiness births fire. If it is time for fire (which it is) then it is time for holiness (which it is).
It can be argued that holiness is intimacy. So it can then be argued that holiness (or intimacy) birth fire and fire births intimacy (or holiness).
I like it when things cycle around...becuase it always brings you back to the LORD.
God is here.
3 years ago
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