29 August 2006

I think the most effictive way one can lead, is simply to mimic the charictaristics and ways of effective leaders of them (and thus, ideally, mimiciing the traits of Jesus). If this is the case, I have realised I still have a long way to come!

The beauty of the above is that we can see what works and just do it, no wasting time on trying to come up with new things ourselves. It makes leading somewhat easier. Paul talks about this, he says "Mimic me as I imitate Christ"

Speaking of Paul, I like his style of leadership, and I aim to mimic it. I am currently stuck in the Corinthians and I am finding many things common within our ministry here as with the church in Corinth. In his first letter, he calls out sin, harshy too, stating the truth, suggesting so-called Christians should be kicked out of the church etc. In his second letter we see that this worked. If I claim to say that mimicing effective people therfore will make us effective, and if I claim that Paul calling out sin harsly is effective, then I should be calling out sin eh?

On day Nicole, one day....

"We beleive the the scriptures of the Old and New Testiments were given by the inspirration of God, and that they only constitute the true divine rule for Christian faith and practice"

I am memorizing the doctrines of the Salvation Army. This is doctrine #1...(did i get it right?)


Fiona said...

I love Nicole Brindle!!!!!!