18 February 2006

Surprise, Nicole is back!

My apologies for the lack of blogging, one day I will get my act together! So whats been happening with me.

Good question, if anyone has the answer I would love to hear it!

Well my heart has grown hard. Its a shame, I will walk by a young girl being victomised by prostitution and think its normal...I will see my friend sticking a needle in his arm and not cry...why...God please break my heart!!!!

Something else interesting I have realised lately is my lack of evangelism. It seems like a pattern too. When I first got saved I was all about getting others saved...but then after a while focused more on disipleship. When I first did youth ministry I was all about getting kids saved...but then after a while forcused more on disipleship. When I first came to the War Collage I was all about getting neighbors saved...but now I am focusing on disipleship. I need some balance here.

Jesus has been teaching me to look at Him...focus on Him. Sometimes I focus on the work of the enemy more then I focus on the work of Jesus. My 14 year old disiple Hannah teaches me this all the time. When we pray I will often say something like "God please bring justice to Sarah, she is hurt and suffering, the enemy has this assignment on her life and we ask for your strong arm to come and rescure her" Where Hannah will pray like "God thank you for the justice to have brought to Sarah's life allready, thank you that we can see that she isnt suffering as much anymore, thank you for the work you are doing in her life, thank you for resucueing her" I am more humbled everyday.

I figure the enemy wants us to take our eyes off Jesus. Thats his goal. Our strenght comes from looking in the wonderful face of Jesus. Lets stop giving the enemy credit.


Anonymous said...

Hey Nicole - remember Multiplication Practicum lessons? Discipleship is key for people to keep their salvation and to win others for Christ. Remember 3x3x3x3 is a lot more than 10+10+10+10!

Aurora said...

Praise the Lord for the lessons kids teach us! And friends. And Jesus! Sometimes I forget to listen to Jesus, and focus more on what's not right...but there's time for both. (Ecc 3:3, yeah?)
Love you.
One other thought! Don't be discouraged about the discipleship thing...that's where the seeds you sow start forming deep roots. If there was no one ensuring the seeds took root, the seed would just die.
Keep fighting strong!
Much love!