energy....its great....
five months ago...i was drained...i was weak...i was tired. now im energised.
what changed? my focus i guess.
five months ago i was working on my own strength, and i was tired, and i was exhausted. now having accepted my weakness and leaning on God's strength i am accomplishing more, doing more, and im energised by it.
i have a theory. if you are walking out Gods calling with humility and obedience, you will not grow weary, rather you will be energised by the things you do.
the world tells us, waking up early, working your butt off, and sleeping only a few hours, you will get exhausted...but friends, thats the world...the spirit tells us that if we wait on the Lord we will not grow weary.
walk out your gifts in the fullness of how God created them. seek the Lords face and dont loose focus.
its all about Him, it has nothing to do with you. its not about what your doing, how much your doing. its all about Him.
3 years ago
This is Right On Nicole!! Preach it sister!
good theory...
Thanks for that:) I too about 4 months ago was really leaning on my own strength, and falling. Once you give in to Jesus and give all your problems to him, it is miraculous how much stronger you begin to feel.
"Cast your cares on the Lord and he will sustain you..." Psalm 55:22
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