20 August 2005

So yesterday we, The War College, had our graduation. Good times.

Rather then sharing it all, becuase I really dont want to type that all out! I'll brief you with a sample.

So after the dinner we head over to a worship meeting. I had Haven Peters, a beautiful six year old girl, on my shouldiers while praising the Lord with the dance. A few songs into it, we begin singing "Majesty" where upon being awed by the beauty and presence of the Lord I bowed down. As much as my focus was on Jesus and my body was no longer in control, for my spirit had taken over, I was also aware that I had a 6-year old on my sholdiers and still consciencly knew that if I fell to the ground, Haven could get injured...so I kneeled down and proceeded to gently take her off my shouldiers, expecting her to run off and dance with someone else. (She is a warfare dancer!)...to my surprise though she stuck around. As I was kneeling and bowing down, I feel these small, delecit hand rest on my body, shortly followed by Haven embracing me tightly. Wow, I have never felt compassion like that before. Even cooler, she continued embracing me for like 20 minutes. Remember this is a 6-year old girl who normally would run off to play elsewhere cuz what I was doing was "boring"...this was clearly the spritis doings.

Furthermore, Havens five year old sister Serene comes to us with a warfare flag, symbolising restoration, and waves it over us for minutes.

I recieved alot of healing from these two small children that night.

I tell you, these girls are so intune with the spirit. They know whats going on.

Whats really cool is I didnt meet the Holy Spirit until I was 14, these girls have a decade on me. And Im excited to see the accellerations and the advancement of their spiritual walk!

God grant it!!!!


Christine said...

aww thats so sweet Thanks for sharing that with us!

YOU DONT KNOW MEEEeeee said...

haha...kids...a decade...haha!
member that word you got about them- (the worship leader one)- i think its coming faster than we think. haha! kids!

Rebekah Dooley said...

that was pretty awesome,i was quite blessed with them as well on that night
praise the lord for kids