03 August 2005

I was talking to a couple girls the other night and they were talking about boys, internet boyfriends, older boyfriends, stuff like that. There were 4 of us. One, who is 15, has been dating this 22 year old guy she met on the internet. Another has been hurt by every boy she liked. And the third was too busy posing for the guys with us to join the conversation. Before I go on to my point Im going to rabbit trail a bit.

Relationships were created by God. Created to glorify the LORD, created to bring companionship and love to the other, created for the good. The Devil has perverted it. He has made a counterfiet...one that people mistake for the real thing. Girls (and guys im sure) are being trapped into lies. Lies that being hurt is okay. Lies that being in a relationship with an older guy is allright when your only 15. Lies that a relationship means fighting and arguing. Lies that life sucks if your not in relationship. Lies that its all about image. Those are lies! The truth is relationships are a beautiful thing created by God to bring hapiness, safety, power and love.

We have a disire to be in relationship, becuase God created us that way. He created us to be in perfect relationship with Him through Christ. If you dont have that relationship filled, there is an emptyness. That emptyness needs to be filled and thats why the Devil counterfeited Gods creation with relationship that lead to distruction. Dont fill your emptiness with a counterfeit, make sure it is filled with Christ.

Back to my point. So at this part of the conversation I desided to redeem it. We made lists of qualities we are looking for in husbands...not boyfriends. There was nothing on these lists that said mean, jerk, abusive etc...they were nice, funny, kind, honest etc...so I said...why settle for less? We are we compromising for less?

Furthermore, on my list the top was faith. Has to be christian. Two of the other girls quickly agreed. This was the first time I met them, and I was like, rad your christian...20 minutes later this one girl was like so I have a question about God. Which also was great because this was the first time I had met her, and she asked some deep questions regarding, faith, hell, can you get to heaven if...etc. This was one of the few youth groups this summer where there was some theological conversation. It was encouraging seeing 14, 15, 16 year olds so interested.

(sorry for the long blog...keep reading though please!)

One of the girls was like, ya I used to go to the Morman Church. I got excited for the Morman Cult is one of the few cults and other religions im educated on. And she was like and a few years ago I realised its a bunch of bull, asked my friend "do you really beleive this" and i left. Narly! So once she came to the conclution that she didnt beleive in the morman faith, she converted to the Christian faith....but then at one Christian meeting she went to she was taught that all religions are right. I could argue that this other meeting was infact NOT Christian...but point is she thought it was. Here she was taught that all religions are all puzzle peices and at the end of the world we will see the big picture! This, friends, is what the next generation is being taught, and agreeing with. This girl is convinced there is no true faith, yet all faiths are right. Now thats bull! Do we really beleive that?? There is only one peice to the puzzle. One Way. Christ.

did you allready forget about the relationships part of the blog...cuz i did!
your thots welcomed...